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- Welcome to Extra Time! You have been appointed as manager of your favourite club, can you repay the boards faith by winning promotion or being crowned league champions?! -
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1. Choose your team.

Tell us which football team you would like to manage. You can select from any of the English football league teams and many European teams can be selected as well. Because of the large demand, especially for premier league clubs, some teams may be unavailable. Please select 6 different teams, listed in order of preference.

Preference 1
Preference 2
Preference 3
Preference 4
Preference 5
Preference 6


Want to play with your friends who are already signed up for Extra Time? If so then find out their league number and team name and fill in the boxes below, then one of our staff will try and get you a position in the same league so that you can compete against them.

League Number #
Team Name / Manager's name


2. Enter your address.

Please enter your name and email address as well as a KJC account number if you have one.

Your Name:
Email Address:
Account No. (Leave blank if you don't have a KJC account)
Where did you first hear of KJC Games?

3. Post it.

Finally, check over the details to see if you have made any mistakes. You can either go back and correct them or press the 'Reset' button and start again. Assuming everything is correct, press the submit button once and your KJC extra time starter pack will be dispatched to you. Most people receive theirs within a week.


KJC Games specialises in Strategy Management Games. © Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.